song list
Look What The Wind Blew In

In the dismal darkness
I have sat and gazed, amazed
At the blazing factories

Like the lonely man
Who stands on the seashore
And I am afraid

As weary as I am
I try
I seem to see that things look ok

Run, run in your skin
Look what the wind just blew in

Many lovely ladies
I have felt, touched
And I was not afraid

I took them out dancing
Out romancing
And I was not afraid

Then somewhere from the north
This gale I knew just flew in
And I am afraid

Run, run in your skin
Look what the wind just blew in

Run, run in your skin
Look what the wind just blew in

Run, you got to run in your skin
Look what the wind just blew in

Look what the wind just blew in
You got to look what the wind just blew in
You got to look what the wind just blew in


All songs and lyrics are © copyright and are
protected under Canadian and
International copyright laws.

NO lyrics may be used for ANY commercial purpose
whatsoever without prior written authorization
from the song's Publisher or their legal representative.

These lyrics are posted for personal use only
to assist with your enjoyment of the songs.


from the album THIN LIZZY