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Freedom Song
(Gorham, Lynott)

Let me tell you the hard luck story
About a man named Jack McDuff
He believed in God and glory
But he just wasn't tough enough

I believe in the freedom song
Long live liberty!
I believe in the freedom song
I'll choose my own destiny

Well they took him and they beat him
Underneath the old hanging tree
Saying, "Jack, you must die"
"What will your last words be?"

Jack, he hung his head back
"Long live liberty!"
"I believe in the freedom song"
"Doesn't matter what you do to me"

With a rope around his neck they left him hanging
High on that old hanging tree
On her knees his wife was screaming
"Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy"

I believe in the freedom song
Long live liberty!
I believe in the freedom song
Doesn't matter what you do to me


All songs and lyrics are © copyright and are
protected under Canadian and
International copyright laws.

NO lyrics may be used for ANY commercial purpose
whatsoever without prior written authorization
from the song's Publisher or their legal representative.

These lyrics are posted for personal use only
to assist with your enjoyment of the songs.


from the album FIGHTING