song list
Don't Believe A Word

Don't believe me if I tell you
Not a word of this is true
Don't believe me if I tell you
Especially if I tell you that I'm in love with you

Don't believe me if I tell you
That I wrote this song for you
There might be some other silly pretty girl
I'm singing it to

Don't believe a word
For words are only spoken
Your heart is like a promise
Made to be broken

Don't believe a word
Words can tell lies
And lies are no comfort
When there's tear in your eyes

Don't believe me if I tell you
Not a word of this is true
Don't believe me if I tell you
Especially if I tell you that I'm in love with you

Don't believe a word


All songs and lyrics are © copyright and are
protected under Canadian and
International copyright laws.

NO lyrics may be used for ANY commercial purpose
whatsoever without prior written authorization
from the song's Publisher or their legal representative.

These lyrics are posted for personal use only
to assist with your enjoyment of the songs.