song list
Bad Habits
(Gorham, Lynott)

I seen you walking down the street with another man
Girl you're really shocking
I seen you walking down the street with another hand
Held in your stockings

Boys will be boys and girls will be trouble
And I'm a man of bad habits
I seen you walking down the street with another man
Girl I had to have it

Bad habits
Bad habits
Bad habits

You and I we should meet
Yeah, you and I we should get together
Me and you and I should meet
In the rain and stormy weather

Bad habits
Bad habits
Bad habits

No messing around
Now's the time to start

Boys will be boys and girls will be trouble
And I'm a man of bad habits
I seen you walking down the street with another girl
Man I had to have it

I know it gets into your brain
Sometimes it dribbles and goes in your veins
I tell you this boys is the same
This boy's got bad habits

You and I should meet
You and I we should get together
You and I, you know we should meet
Hey babe, check it out the stormy weather

Bad habits
I got bad habits
I got bad habits


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